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Re: New User seeks book
- Subject: Re: New User seeks book
- From: grunes(at)news.nrl.navy.mil (Mitchell R Grunes)
- Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 18:41:40 GMT
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave
- Organization: NRL Code 8140
- References: <3k4h6i$ln0@netnews.upenn.edu>
In article <3k4h6i$ln0@netnews.upenn.edu> stauffer@psych.upenn.edu (Michael George Stauffer) writes:
> I'm new to IDL, and am hoping to find a book to help me
>learn how to program(in IDL). The manuals seem to have most of the
>necessaary info, but it's taking me a while and I'd like to get up to speed
>so I can work on some actual projects. I've called a few local (Philly)
>bookstores, but no luck.
See the section below.
> BTW, what's P-Wave?
PV-Wave, you mean. Read the FAQ.
For the first question, RSI probably intends that you will go through
their interactive on-line help. The only problem is that, as with most
on-line help and hypertext systems, you pretty much have to know the exact
name of a feature before you can look it up.
For the names of features, you are welcome to my incomplete, probably
incorrect, and out of date notes that I took a long time ago. The good
part is that it is old enough that it mostly represents the common core
of IDL and PV-Wave:
-------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------
IDL: notes by mitch grunes from Introduction to IDL, RSI (Research Systems,
Inc. (303) 399-1326
VARIABLE: named locations for storing informat
name=letter+up to 14 characters from a-z,digit,_,$
unsigned byte 1B
(short) integer (16 bit) 1
long integer (32 bit)) 1L
single precision floating point 1. 1E0 (must contain '.')
double precision floating point 1D0
complex floating point complex(1,0)
string (length=0-32767) '1'
undefined (no defined value) undefined
structure (composites) {type_name,x:5,y:2,a:'xy'}
mixed expressions similar to fortran: 3/2 gives 1
3/2. gives 1.5
scalar 1
vector (1 dimensional array) [1,2,3]
array [[1,2],[3,4]]
up to 7 dimensions
start at 0 x(0)
* means ala x(2,*)
ranges x(0:4)
* means end x(3:*)
array subscripts x([1,2,3])
dimension matches subscript
values clipped to legal subscript values
a+b (and similar ops) will have length = to the smaller of
the lengths of a and b
a(i,j)=b will place array b into a starting at indices i,j
matrix interpretation: (col,row)
,=array concatination a,[1 2]
executed left to right within precedence, order changed by ()
1: ^=power
2: *=multiply #=matrix multiply /=divide MOD=modulus
3: +=add -=subtract or negate <=minimum >=maximum NOT=logical not
4: EQ NE LE LT GE GT (arithmetic comparisons give 0 or 1)
user's library provided with IDL
your own functions and procedures
operators and most functions apply to arrays too
Statement types
assignment: variable=expression
INCONSISTANCY: if expression if of byte type, variable is integral
Note: the parenthesized expression (variable=expression) has a value.
procedure call: <procedure_name>[,arguements][,keyward=expression]
arguements in procedures and functions passed by reference unless are
keywords may be abbreviated to shortest unique string
keyword order with respect to eachother and positional parameters unimportant
/keyword is same as /keyward=1
includes user procedures (including those provided in user library)
and system procedures.
executive commands: .<command>
FOR variable=low_expression,hi_expression[,incr] DO statement
if low_expression>hi_expression, no execution
IF expression THEN statement [ELSE] statement
WHILE expression DO statement
REPEAT statment UNTIL expression
CASE expr OF
expr: statement ... END
compound statement: BEGIN statement,...,statement END
PRO procedure_name,parameters
FUCNTION function_name,parameters
COMMON block_name,variables
END ends a procedure or function
RETURN value returns function value
upper/lower case: ignored
Special first characters of line:
.<command> executive command
? help request
$<command> operating system command
@<file> redirect file and command input to <file>.pro
^Z suspend IDL (resume with fg)
^D EXIT IDL, close files
<up arrow> recall previous command, enter line editing mode
<esc>? help: print this list
<esc>H same as <esc>?
<up,down,left,right arrow> move around in recall buffer
^N same as <up arrow>
^A start of line
^D end of line, EOF if current line empty
^E end of line
^R redraw current line
^B or R13 back 1 word
^F or R15 forward 1 word
<esc>I insert/overstrike toggle
<backspace> delete previous character
<del> same as backspace
^W delete word
<esc><del> delete previous word
^U kill to end of line
^text search for text, recall prev line if text blank
Continuation character: $ at end of line
; means rest of line is a comment
Array manipulation
HISTOGRAM(ar) count intensity distrubtions.
result vector indices range from 0 to max value.
type is long integer
MAX(ar[,max_subscript]) maximum element
MIN... minimum...
MEDIAN(Ar[,width]) median filter for byte arrays
N_ELEMENTS(x) number of elements in x
REBIN(ar,d1,d2...) resample to given dimensions.
dimensions multiple or factor of those of ar.
/SAMPLE use nearest neighbor or average instead of
bilinear interpolate
REFORM(array,d1,d2...) reform
ROTATE(mat,direction) rotate and/or transpose matrix
SHIFT(ar,s1,s2...) rotate element positions. (<0=left!)
TOTAL(ar) sum
NOTE: result is float when applied to integer
SMOOTH(ar,n) smooth using n-sized box car average
SORT(ar) sort
TRANSPOSE(ar) transpose
WHERE(ar[,count]) subscripts of non-zero elements
returns vector
INVERT(matrix[,status]) invert
LUDCMP,a,index,d LU decomposition of square matrix
LUBKSB,a,index,b solve linear equations, given LU decomposition
MPROVE,a,alud,index,b,x iterated improvement of LUDKSB
SVD,a,w[,u,v]] Singlular value decomposition
SVBKSB,u,w,v,b,x solve simultaneous equations Ax=b using SVD
TRED2,a[,d[,e]] reduction by householder's method of a real
symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form.
TQLI,d,e,z eigenvalues and eigen vectors of real, symmetric
tridiagonal matrix
TRIDAG,a,b,c,r,u solution of tridiagonal linear set of equations
ZROOTS,a,roots[,polish] roots of complex polynomial
CONVOL(ar,kernal[,scale_factor]) convolve array ar(n) with kernal(m)
result(i)=sum(over j) a(i-j)*b(j)
for i=<size of kernal>-1,...,
<size of ar>-1
result(i)=0 for i=0...<size of kernal>-2
Also works for arrays.
Final result is divided by scale_factor.
FFT(array,d) fast fourier transform
note: d=-1,1 for forward,reverse
most efficient when dimension is power of 2
convert type
BYTE(x[,offset[,d1,d2...]]) convert to byte
BYTSCL(array) scale by min,max and convert to byte
TOP=!D.N_COLORS-1 sets top scaling to 255
MIN=min uses min instead of data minimum
MAX=max similar for max
FIX(x[,offset[,d1,d2...]]) convert to integer
LONG(x[,offset[,d1,d2...]]) convert to long integer
FLOAT(x[,offset[,d1,d2...]]) convert to single precision
DOUBLE(x[,offset[,d1,d2...]]) convert to double precision
COMPLEX(real[,imaginary]) convert to complex
COMPLEX(x,offset,d1[,d2...]]) convert to complex
STRING(x1,x2...) convert to string
FORMAT='(<fortran format>)' use fortran formating
create zero-filled array of size (d1,d2...)
BYTARR(d1,d2...) byte
e.g. a=bytearr(10) creates array with indices from 0 to 9
INTARR(d1,d2...) short integer
LONARR(d1,d2...) long integer
FLTARR(d1,d2...) single precision
DBLARR(d1,d2...) double precision
COMPLEXARR(d1,d2...) complex
STRARR(d1,d2...) string
/NOZERO keyword to suppress zero-fill
create array filled by index
create array, other
MAKE_ARRAY(d1,d2...) general purpose
REPLICATE(value,d1,d2...) fill with value
RANDOMN(seed,d1,d2...) guassian randomn noise, sigma=1.
seed initially set to time of day.
RANDOMNU(seed,d1,d2...) same, but uniform distribution
OPENR,unit,file open for read
file/keyword used to specify non-default format
OPENW,unit,file open for write
OPENU,unit,file open for update
var=ASSOC(unit,arr[,offset]) associate file with array structure
defines records to be of same type and dimension as arr
then, var(0) refers to record 0=first record
offset=# of bytes to skip in file
GET_LUN,unit reserve unit
GET_KBRD(wait) read one character
READ,var1,var2... formatted input from keyboard
type and dimension determined by previous definition
free format assumed
READF,unit,var1,var2... similar, from an opened unit
fortran FORMAT='(...)' available
READU,unit,var1,var2... unformatted input
FORRD,unit,var1,var2... unformatted input
POINT_LUN,unit,N position unit: 0=first byte
PRINT,var1,var2... formatted output
fortran FORMAT='(...)' available
PRINTF,unit,var1,var2... formatted output
WRITEU,unit,var1,var2... unformatted output
FORWRT,unit,var1,var2... unformatted output
EOF(unit) end of file?
FLUSH[,unit1,unit2...] flush
FSTAT(unit) get info
CLOSE[,unit1,unit2...] close
FREE_LUN[,unit1,unit2...] de-allocate
FINDFILE(file_spec) find files matching spec
SET_PLOT,device specify graphics device
ERASE[,backround_color] erase screen of current device
XYOUTS,x,y,string write text
USERSYM,[x,]y set plotting symbol
PLOT,[x,]y plot vector
default assumptions
minimum y-axis value=0, unless some y values<0
maximum y-axis value=maximum data element
connect points with solid lines
assumptions changed by call parameters or system variables
see also plotting symbols
see also graphics keyword !P
PLOT_IO,[x,]y same, x linear, y logarithmic
PLOT_OI,[x,]y same, x logarithmic, y linear
PLOT_OO,[x,]y same, x logarithmic, y logarithmic
OPLOT,[x,]y plot vector over old axis
PLOT_IO,[x,]y plot with linear-log axis
PLOT_OI,[x,]y plot with log-linear axis
PLOT_OO,[x,]y plot with log-log axis
PLOTS,[x,],y[,z] plot point
PLOTS,x1,y1,x2,y2 plot vector
in either case coordinate system is from
last call to PLOT (data units)
AXIS[[[,x],y],z] draw additional axis
CONTOUR,z[,x,y] contour plots
POLYFILL,x[,y[,z]] irregular polygon fill
POLYSHADE,vertices,polygons shaded surface from polygons
SET_SHADING set light source shading parameters
SHADE_SURF,z[,x,y] shaded surface from gridded data
SURFACE,z[,x,y] surface from array, remove hidden lines
CURSOR,x,y[,wait] get cursor position
DEVICE device specific functions
/HELVETICA selects HELVETICA hardware font if !P.FONT=0
EMPTY empty graphics output buffer
HELP[,x1,x2...] print info on current session.
information includes type,structure,
value (for scalars) of variables.
may also request information on:
image processing
DILATE(ar,structure[,x,y]) morphologic dilation
ERODE(ar,structure[,x,y]) morphologic erosion
POLY_2D(ar,c,c[,interp[,d1,d2]]) polynomial image warp
where u=sum_over_s,t c(s,t)*x^s*y^t
v=sum_over_s,t d(s,t)*x^s*y^t
interp, if present and NE 0 selects
bilinear interpolation in place of
nearest neighbor.
missing=p pixel values whose u,v are outside image,
else extrapolated
POLYFILLV(x,y,sx,sy[,run_length]) subscripts of pixels inside polygon
ROBERTS(ar) image edge enhancement
SOBEL(image) image edge enhancement
sum of abolute value of convolution with
-1 -2 -1 -1 0 1
0 0 0 and -2 0 2
1 1 1 -1 0 1
TVCRS[,ON_OFF] cursor on/off?
TVCRS,x,y position image cursor
TV,image[,x,y[,channel]] display image, scaled, lower left at
x,y. Order is bottom up unless set
TV,image[,position] display image unscaled
TV,image,cell display in 0-origin cell # of size
determined by image array
TVSCL,... same, but scale first by min,max
TVLCT,v1,v2,v3[,start] load display color tables, starting with index 'start'
/HLS,/HSV use HLS or HSV color tables instead of RGB
TVRD(x,y,nx,ny[,channel] read display memory
TVZOOM controls hardware zoom
mathematical (scalar)
ISHFT(i,n) shift i by n (<0 for left!).
ABS(x) absolute value
SQRT(x) square root
IMAGINARY(x) imaginary part
CONJ(x) complex conjugate
SIN(x) circular functions: use radians
SINH(x) hyperbolic functions
EXP(x) e**x
ALOG(x) natural log
ALOG10(x) base 10 log
BESELI(x,n) I Bessel function
BESELJ(x,n) J Bessel function
BESELY(x,n) Y Bessel function
ERRORF(x) error function
GAMMA(x) gamma function
GAUSSINT(x) integral of gaussian
FINITE(x) number finite?
BREAKPOINT[,file],index set/clear breakpoints
BYTEORDER,variable1,... convert short and long integers
between host and network byte order
CHECK_MATH(print_flag[,message_inhibit]) check and clear accumulated math err
DEFINE_KEY,key[,value] define function key
DEFSYSV,name,value[,read_only] define new system variable
EXECUTE(string) compile,execute string
EXIT exit IDL, close files
FINITE(x) true if x finite
KEYWORD_SET(x) test if arg defined and .ne.0
N_PARAMS() number of non-keyword parameters
N_TAGS(x) number of structure tags in x
ON_ERROR,n error recovery handling method
ON_IOERROR,label I/O error handler
SIZE(x) size and type of expression
STOP[,x1....xn] exit program or batch file
STRMESSAGE(err#) error message text formats
TAG_NAMES(x) names of tags in structure
WAIT,sec delay
operating system commands
CD[,directory] print or change directory
ENVIRONMENT() unix environment strings
GETENV(name) environment string translation
SETENV(environment_expression) add or change environment string
e.g. SETENV IDL_DEVICE <device> graphic output device
<device>=NULL(no graphic output),HP(HPGL),PS(Postscript),SUN(SunView),
TEK(Tektronix terminal), X(X-Window system: not yet on Suns)
SPAWN[,command[,result]] spawn child process
SYSTIMTE(x) current system time
saving and restoring IDL session
JOURNAL[,arg] keep log of interactive session to file
RESTORE[,filename] load IDL save file
SAVE[,var1...varn] save variables to file
FILE='filename' specify file other than idlsave.dat
string processing
STRCOMPRESS(string) compress or remove whitespace
STRTRIM(string[,flag]) remove leading and trailing blanks
STRLEN(string) length
STRLOWCASE(string) convert to lower case
STRUPCASE(string) convert to upper case
STRMID(string,stcol,length) substring
STRPOS(str,substr[,pos]) search for substring in string
STRPUT(dest,source[,position]) copy source into destination
WINDOW[,index] create (index=0 to 9)
window 0 may be created automatically
WDELETE[,index] delete
WSET[,index] select window
WSHOW[,index[,show]] expose or hide window
WMENU(strings) display menu, return response
Name Type Description
!EDIT_INPUT integer enables keyboard line editing
!C long plot cursor position
!ERR long last error code
!JOURNAL long unit # of journal output or 0 (read-only)
!ORDER long image transfer order (0=bottom-up,1=reverse)
!QUIET long 0=print informational message, else don't
!PI float pi (read-only)
!DPI double pi (read-only)
!DTOR float pi/180 (read-only)
!RADEG float 180/pi (read-only)
!VERSION string type and version of IDL (read-only)
!PROMPT string IDL interactive prompt
!ERR_STRING string text of last error (read-only)
!MSG_PREFIX string prefix string for error messages
!DIR string main IDL directory
!PATH string search path for libraries,include files,
executive commands, and procedures
list of directories, seperated by colons
!D structure plotting device (read-only)
!D.N_COLORS integer # of color indices available on current graphics device
!P structure main plot system parameters
!P.FONT integer -1=vector drawn text (default)
0=hardware font
!P.MULTI vector: (0)=# of plots already on page
(1) # of plots horizontally
(2) # of plots vertically
default value=scalar 0, meaning 1 plot/page
!P.T matrix generalized transformation matrix: see graphics
and plotting keyword P3T, plotting keyword SAVE
!P.THICK line thinkness: see graphics keyword THICK
!X structure axis structure for x
!Y structure axis structure for y
!Z structure axis structure for z
*=corresponds to system variable field)
Name Proc Description
ALIGNMENT x alignment of text baseline
ALIGNMENT=.5 centers text
CLIP px* clip rectangle for graphics output
COLOR fpx* color index for text,line,polygon fills
DATA cpfsx keyword flag if clipping coordinates are in data coordinates
DEVICE cpfsx coordinates are in device coordinates
FILL_PATTERN f hardware dependent fill index
FONT x* graphics text font #
LINESTYLE fp* line draw style
LINE_FILL f fill polygons with lines,not solid or pattern
NOCLIP px* clipping of vectors and vector-drawn text
NORMAL cpfsx coordinates in normalized (0-1) coordinate system
ORIENTATION fx angle in deg from horiz of text baseline and polygon fill lines
PATTERN f fill pattern pixel array
SIZE x character size as factor of normal char size
SPACING f spacing in cm between parallel line fills
SYMSIZE p size of line marking symbols (1=normal)
T3D fpx* keward flag indicating generalized transformation
matrix !P.T is to be used
TEXT_AXES x plane of vector drawn text for 3D plotting
THICK fp* line thickness: overides !P.THICK
WIDTH x returns width of text string to designated variable
Z fpxs z coordinate if Z not present in call
*=corresponds to system variable field)
Name Proc Description
AX s (deg) angle of rotation about x towards viewer
AZ s counterclocksize angle of rotation about z
XAXIS a AXIS procedure applies to X axis, define location
YAXIS a AXIS procedure applies to Y axis, define location
BACKGROUND all* background color when erasing
BOTTOM s color for bottom surface
COLOR all* color index to draw data,axes,annotation
C_COLORS c color for contours
CHARSIZE all* overall character size for annotation
[XYZ]CHARSIZE all* size of characters for axis
C_CHARSIZE c character size for contours
SYMSIZE all size of symbols for PSYM
C_ANNOTATION c label drawn on each contour
FONT all* graphics text font
SUBTITLE all* subtitle underneath X axis
TITLE all* main centered title above plot window
[XYZ]TITLE all* axis title
C_LINESTYLE c line style for contours
C_THICK c line thickness for contours
THICK po* thinkness of lines between points
LINESTYLE ops* line style:
2=dashed line
3=dot/dash pattern
PSYM all* symbol for data points instead of line draw:
FOLLOW c if present and <>0, use line following contours,
not cell drawing
SPLINE c contour paths interpolated by cubic splines.
implies FOLLOW. May sometimes cross. Not generally
needed or suggested when dimensions>15
SPLINE=.005 gives default length for SPLINE
SKIRT s draw skirt around given Z value
(contour levels)
C_LABELS c which contour levels to label
LEVELS c vector of contour levels
NLEVELS c # of equally spaced contour levels
PATH_FILENAME c name of file of contour positions
HORIZONTAL s keyword flag to draw only lines across plot
perpendicular to line of site
LOWER_ONLY s only draw lower surface of object
UPPER_ONLY s only draw upper surface of object
[XYZ]MINOR all* # of minor tick marks
[XYZ]TICKNAME all* annotations of each tick, up to 30 elements in array
TICKLEN all* length of tics, as fraction of window size
[XYZ]TICKS all* # of major tic intervals to draw
[XYZ]TICKV all* data value for each tick, up to 30 elements in array
[XYZ]TYPE ap logarithmic axis if <>0
ZAXIS acs specifies Z-axis existance for CONTOUR, position
ZVALUE poc specify Z coordinate in normalized units (0-1)
of axis and data output from PLOT, OPLOT, CONTOUR
NSUM po # of data points to average when plotting
POLAR po keyword, <>0 means make polar plots
[XYZ]STYLE all* specifies axis tic value rounding, selection of
a box axis, etc.
CLIP all* rectangle coordinates to clip graphics output
DATA all keyword flag indicating CLIP coordinates are
in data units
DEVICE all POSITION and CLIP coordinates are in device units
[XYZ]MARGIN all* 2 element array for left(bottom), right(top) of
plot window in character size units
[XYZ]RANGE all* range of axis: 2 element vector
POSITION all* direct specification of plot window
MAX_VALUE c ignore data points over this value
NOCLIP cop* keyword flag to surpress plot clipping
YNOZERO ap do not set y axis min to 0, even if YRANGE and
!Y.RANGE not specified and all Y are non-negative.
NODATA all draw axes,titles,annotation, not data
NOERASE all* do not erase screen or page
NORMAL all keyword flag: CLIP and/or POSITION coordinates
are in normalized coordinate system, from 0 to 1
T3D all* flag to use generalized transformation matrix !P.T
SAVE as save 3d to 2d transformation matrix from SURFACE
in !P.T
USER'S LIBRARY ROUTINES (in main user library directory)
Name Description
ADJCT adjust color table contrast function using mouse
C_EDIT interactive color table creation, HSV or HLS systems
using 3 bars
COLOR_EDIT interactive color table creation, HSV or HLS systems
using color wheeel and bars
HIST_EQUAL_CT,image histogram equalization of color table from region.
With no parameters, mark region with mouse
HLS hue/lightneww/saturation color system color tables
sprals through HLS space
HSV hue/saturation/value color system color tables
spirals thru single ended HSV cone
HSV_TO_RGB convert HSV color system to red/green/blue
LOADCT[,index] load standard color tables (0-15; obtain menu with no index)
MODIFYCT save modified color tables in standard color table file.
permanently replaces colors used by LOADCT
MULTI replicates current color table, enhancing contrast
ONLY_8BIT intialize sun display for systems without monochrome planes
PALETTE interactively construct color tables using RGB
PSEUDO color tables based on LBH (Lightness,Hue,Brightness) color system
RGB_TO_HSV convert RGB system to HSV
STRETCH,lo,hi linear color table contrast enhancement to match min=lo, max=hi
TEK_COLOR load tektronix 4115 default color map
DOC_LIBRARY,'name' documents users' libarary procedures; name=* for all
DIGITAL_FILTER calculate coefficients of non-recursive digital filter
HANNING window function for FFT filtering
CURVEFIT non-linear least squares fit
FUNCT sample function for CURVEFIT
GAUSSFIT fits sum of guassian and quadratic
POLY_FIT(x,y,n,yfit...) polynomial least squares fit
result contains n+1 fit coefficients
POLYFITW polynomial weighted least squares fit
REGRESS multiple linear regression
SURFACE_FIT polynomial fit to a surface
SVDFIT general least squares fit using SVD
COSINES sample function used by SVDFIT
DEMO_HP produce HP-GL demo plots
ERRPLOT overplot error bars
MENUS crudge menu facility used by ADJCT
OPLOTBAR overplot bar graphs
OPLOTERR overplot data with error bars
PLOT_FIELD plot 2d field using arrows
PLOTBAR bar graph
PLOTERR plot data with error bars
POLYCONTOUR fill countour paths with solid colors
SCALE3D scales 3D unit cube into display area
SET_SCREEN set plot window size and position (VMS compatibility)
SET_VIEWPORT set plot window size and position (VMS compatibility)
SET_XY set X and Y limits (VMS compatibility)
SURFR duplicate rotation, translation and scaling of SURFACE
T3D various 3D transformations
THREED plot 2D array using pseudo 3D plot
VEL plot vector flow field with streamlines
VELOVECT plot vector flow field
ZOOM zoom mouse-selected portion of display
DEFROI define region of interest by mouse
FLICK flicker between 2 images
HIST_EQUAL histogram equalization
IMAGE_CONT overlay image and its contour plot
LEEFILT Lee filter for images
MOVIE display loop of images
POLYWARP polynomial spatial warp, determine coeff
PROFILE extract values along a line
PROFILES interactively plot row or column image lines
RDPIX interactively read pixels
READ_SRF read sun raster format files
ROT rotates/magnifies image using nearest neighbor sampling
Slower than ROTATE, but can be any angle
ROT_INT rotates/magnifies image using bilinear interpolation
SHOW3 displays images with combination image, using SURFACE and CONTOUR
WRITE_SRF write sun raster format files
BILINEAR bilinear interpolaton
CONGRID resample image to specified dimensions
INTERPOL linearly interpolate from vectors
SPLINE cubic spline
(math functions)
CHEBYSHEV forward/reverse Chubyshev polynomial expansion
CORRELATE(vec1,vec2) simple correlation coefficient
-1 or 1=perfect correlation, 0=uncorrelated
DERIV derivative using 3 point lagrangian interpolation
JULDAY julian day number from month/day/year
POLY polynomial
POLY_AREA area of polygon
STDEV standard deviations
(matrices and vectors)
CROSSP vector cross product
DETERM determinant of square matrix
DIST create matrix with each element set to its distance to origin
EXTRAC emulate obsolete EXTRAC system function
HILBERT hilbert matrix
REVERSE reverse order of vector or array
POPD pop PUSHD/POPD stack and make popped name current directory
PUSHD push directory name to PUSHD/POPD stack
PRINTD print PUSHD/POPD directory name stack
SCRABBLE solves Scrabble puzzles
SETUP_KEYS define escape sequience keys for common keyboards
Executive Commands
Name Function
.RUN <files> compile and run user procedure
if no <files>, take from keyboard
.PRO is the normal file suffix
user procedures end with END command
-t sends listing to terminal
-l sends listing to name.lst file
Note: procedures and functions will be automatically compiled if
their source code.pro file is in a !PATH directory
.RNEW same, but erases main program variables first
.CON continues execution of stopped program
.GO executes previously compiled main program
.SKIP skip next statement, single step
.S or .STEP execute single step
Data: last PLOT call
Image Diplay: (x,y) x=rightwards, y=upwards; (0,0) to (ncol-1,nrow-1)
RGB=Red Green Blue
all 0 to 255 on 8 bit display, 0,0,0=black, 255,255,255=white
HLS=Hue Lightness Saturation (Otswald color system)
hue: 0=red,120=green,240=blue
lightness,saturation: 0-1
HSV=Hue Saturation Value
value: 0-1
LHB=Lightness hue brightness
COMMON colors,r_orig,g_orig,b_orig,r_curr,g_curr,b_curr
~_orig=previous value, before user library function call
~_curr=current value, after user library function call
set plot=postscript
cat printfile to printer from unix
To print image from <filename>
!order=1 so images written bottom done
unix: cat temp.ps>/dev/ttya
Signal Processing
Butterworth (nth-order) Butterworth filter (in frequency domain)
f0=half strength frequency, n might be 2.
triangular kernal
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1
(opinions expressed are mine alone)
Mitchell R Grunes (grunes@nrlvax.nrl.navy.mil)
Allied-Signal Tech. Serv. / Naval Research Lab