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Re: RSI / CreaSo survey: Whish list

In article <4a4pit$svq@rs18.hrz.th-darmstadt.de>, hahn@hrz.th-darmstadt.de (Norbert Hahn) writes:
|> I started to compile a list of improvements. Here come my thoughts,
|> unsorted:
[..specific wishes..]
|> More ideas ???

Since I can see that your wishes are along totally different directions
than mine (not that your wishes are less welcome), I thought I'd offer
my suggestions as well. I'll just copy in what I said to Creaso, so bear
with me if it's a bit wordy and unstructured (it even involves coming up
with a new pseudo-language on the fly).


1. Pointers that work like *real* pointers (handles are *almost* there,
just need some syntactic sugar on top).

E.g., if p is a pointer to a (possibly large) struct, I want to be able 
to use one simple syntactic element to refer to one of it's tag values,
like a=my_function(p->tag), without having to use


I can se no reason why this hasn't already been implemented, and in
my opinion this is the most serious flaw in the language. One needn't
use the construct "p->", something like "~p" or "p~" could be used
instead, to allow for a more sensible look when using pointers to
e.g., scalar variables: If p is a pointer to a scalar, then the
statement would read "a=my_function(p~)". Reference to a tag in
a structure would become ~p.tag or (perhaps less ambiguous) p~.tag.
I'm actually going to be quite disappointed if this ability is not
built into IDL pretty soon.

2. A coherent way of deciding the result dimensions in indexed operations,
plus removing the "feature" of removing all trailing singular dimensions:
If a is a fltarr(10,10) i want a([0],5) to be a fltarr(1),
a([0],[5]) to be fltarr(1,1) and a(0,5) to be a scalar. 

3. Possibility of Macros, e.g.:

4. Possibility of having widget applications + command line available
at the same time (like the help facility).

5. Different brackets for array subscripts and function calls.

6. A portable pseudo-language to produce true *compiled* subroutines,
much in the same way as CALL_EXTERNAL routines are used. This would
require strong typing of the procedure parameters + variables. In
addition, operations could be restricted to operate on scalars.
For some operations compiled code would speed up computation enormously 
(e.g., taking an array a = findgen(100) and computing the array b,
where b(i) = a(0)*a(1)*a(2) .... a(i). This language could even
be designed to function as an "inline" language, so that I could write

  ;; Normal IDL statements
                     ;; N and M would automatically become LONGs containing 
                     ;; the number of elements in A and B respectively.
      I : LONG
      J : LONG

      IF M NE N THEN COMPILE_ERROR("This is not allowed to do")
      B(0) = 1
      FOR I = 1L,M-1 DO BEGIN
          B(I) = B(I-1) * A(I)

Even with a very restricted pseudo-language, which would be easy
to compile, most of the operations that would otherwise need loops
could be speeded up enormously.


Stein Vidar