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Re: arbitrary rotation of 3-d arrays
- Subject: Re: arbitrary rotation of 3-d arrays
- From: morisset(at)my-deja.com
- Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 12:46:45 GMT
- Newsgroups: comp.lang.idl-pvwave
- Organization: Deja.com - Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
- Xref: news.doit.wisc.edu comp.lang.idl-pvwave:15151
The use of t3d will perform transformation on a coordinate
cube, but will not 'rotate' the datas. It's like when you want to
compare 2 images with one turned in respect to the other one. Or if you
want to make a projection using total, but on an axis other than x or y.
Then you have to use the ROT idl function to perform interpolation.
I wrote a turn3d code (see below) that perform rotation of the datas
in a 3D cube. It uses ROT slide by slide.
It (seems to ;-) works also with vector fields.
Hope it helps, send (bug) repports to (witout blanck):
morisset @ astrsp-mrs.fr
----------Cut here -------------------
function turn_3d,a_in,x_angle,y_angle,z_angle,RESIZE = resize,$
CONSERV = conserv,VERBOSE = verbose,HELP=help,_extra= _extra,vect=vect
; turn_3d
; result = turn_3d(a,x_angle,y_angle,z_angle)
; Rotate a 3D array. It applys the ROT IDL function to each
; 2D sub_array of A. The computation is done in a 50% bigger
; cube to assure that nothing will be losed.
; If A is a structure, apply recurively turn_3d on all the
; tags of the structure.
; A = The 3D array to be rotated. This array may be of any type
; exepted string. Can be a structure.
; X, Y, Z_ANGLE =
; 3 angles of rotation in degrees CLOCKWISE.
; WARNING: in case of multiple rotation, the order is Z, X and Y.
; VECT : Setting this keyword if A is a 3D vector field
; _extra will be passed to ROT:
; RESIZE: Setting this keyword to resize the result to the maximum
; size (x,y or z-one) of A. The resizing is NOT a rebining,
; it extracts a 3D sub-array of the big 3D array in wich
; the computation is done.
; If A is a structure, RESIZE is set.
; CONSERVE: Setting this keyword to assure that
; total(result) = total(A).
; VERBOSE: Setting this keyword will print the ratio of the
; sizes of the input array and the result. Works only if
; RESIZE not set. If A is a structure, will say what is
; being rotated.
; HELP: print the calling sequence
; LIMITATIONS: They are those of ROT... For small dimensions arrays,
; a rotation of +10deg followed by a rotation of -10deg will NOT
; give you back the input data.
; BUGS: If A is a structure of arrays NON cubics (s(1) = s(2) = s(3),
; then it crash!
; Christophe MORISSET, 1997. morisset @ iagusp.usp.br
; 15-9-97 Post for me by D. Fanning on comp.lang.idl-pvwave
; 19-9-97 Add the HELP keyword
; 26-9-97 Add the possibiliy for A to be a structure
; Suppretion of CUBIC keyword
; 28-4-98 pass all the _extra to rot
; 19-1-99 add the vector facility (and keyword)
if keyword_set(help) then begin
print,'function turn_3d,a,x_angle,y_angle,z_angle,INTERP =
interp,'+ $
'MISSING = missing,PIVOT = pivot, RESIZE = resize,'+ $
'CONSERV = conserv,VERBOSE = verbose,HELP=help,vect=vect'
if (size(a_in))(n_elements(size(a_in))-2) eq 8 then begin ; a is a
if keyword_set(verbose) then print,' turn_3d: structure'
b = a_in
names = tag_names(a_in)
for i = 0,n_tags(a_in)-1 do begin
if keyword_set(verbose) then print,'turning ',names(i)
b.(i) = turn_3d(a_in.(i),x_angle,y_angle,z_angle, $
RESIZE = 1,CONSERV = conserv)
endif ; case a is a structure
if keyword_set(vect) then begin
if keyword_set(verbose) then print,' turn_3d: vector'
a_out = a_in
if z_angle ne 0. then begin
a_tmp = a_out
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = $
a_tmp[*,*,*,0] * !p.t[i,0] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,1] * !p.t[i,1] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,2] * !p.t[i,2]
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = turn_3d(a_out[*,*,*,i], $
0.,0.,z_angle,_extra=_extra, $
if x_angle ne 0. then begin
a_tmp = a_out
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = $
a_tmp[*,*,*,0] * !p.t[i,0] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,1] * !p.t[i,1] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,2] * !p.t[i,2]
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = turn_3d(a_out[*,*,*,i], $
x_angle,0.,0.,_extra=_extra, $
if y_angle ne 0. then begin
a_tmp = a_out
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = $
a_tmp[*,*,*,0] * !p.t[i,0] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,1] * !p.t[i,1] + $
a_tmp[*,*,*,2] * !p.t[i,2]
for i= 0,2 do a_out[*,*,*,i] = turn_3d(a_out[*,*,*,i], $
0.,y_angle,0.,_extra=_extra, $
endif ; case a is a vector (4D)
if keyword_set(verbose) then print,' turn_3d: simple case'
a = reform(a_in)
if (size(a))(0) ne 3 then stop,' A must be 3D'
x_size = (size(a))(1)
y_size = (size(a))(2)
z_size = (size(a))(3)
max_size = x_size > y_size > z_size
; let's do a 50% larger 3D array containing the input 3D array at his
new_size = fix(max_size*1.5) + 1
b = congrid(a*0.,new_size,new_size,new_size)
(new_size-z_size)/2:(new_size-z_size)/2+z_size-1] = a
; Z-rotation
if z_angle ne 0. then begin
for z = 0,new_size-1 do b[*,*,z] =
; X-rotation
if x_angle ne 0. then begin
for x = 0,new_size-1 do b[x,*,*] =
; Y-rotation
if y_angle ne 0. then begin
for y = 0,new_size-1 do b[*,y,*] =
if keyword_set(resize) then b = $
(new_size-z_size)/2:(new_size-z_size)/2+z_size-1] $
else if keyword_set(verbose) then $
print,' Size changed by: ',float(new_size) / float(max_size)
if keyword_set(conserv) then b = b / total(b) * total(a)
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