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Re: Make TV a function of X?

Sorry for the confusion, but you have figured out what I am trying
to do.

> raouldukey@my-deja.com writes:
> > I have a data set that is irregularly sampled, and I
> > need to make an image-type plot of this data, and was
> > hoping to get some suggestions on the best way to do this.
> It's not totally clear what you are doing here, but I assume that each
> of your samples is actually a *vector*, and that they are irregularly
> sampled in time.  But maybe it's more appropriate to say that you have
> uniformly sampled data separated by irregular gaps.  Right?

Right!  I am dealing with radar sampling.  When a pulse is transmitted,
the return echo is uniformly sampled, and is the same from pulse to
pulse.  However, the frequency (pulses/sec) of the pulses changes, plus
there are gaps where it was turned off for whatever reason.
are gaps

The image plot style is perfect for this sort of experiment, using
time for the x axis and range for the y axis.

> I have had a hard time representing the same kind of data.  My best
> technique so far is to label the X axis as "sample number," and let
> them appear uniformly sampled.  Then I place a vertical separator
> lines whenever gaps would be.  Finally, you might want to label each
> continuous segment with the time if you have room.  Not perfect, but
> what can you do?

Thanks for the suggestion, however, it won't work in this case.  I
have to have a meaningful time axis, so that I can compare to the
other instruments that were operating.  Also, I am dealing with
thousands of pulses, so I can't label the time easily.

I am thinking I will have to make some sort of fake data set by
making a fake time array and put the data in where it exists, and
fill it with zeros where it doesn't.   Yuck!   This has to be
a common problem, so has anyone else thought of a solution?


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