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Can this be done using CALL_FUNCTION?

OK, here's one for the IDL gurus (since I'm only a little guru would
that make me a gu-gu?)...

I am working with spectral images. Unfortunately, IDL is geared toward
multidimensional data in which all of the dimensions are the same type
(i.e. spatial, spectral, frequency...) but it doesn't like to operate on
data with mixed dimensions, such as a multispectral image (unless I'm
missing something really obvious).

Rather than having to rewrite every bloody function/procedure for
spectral imagery, I was hoping it would be possible to write a generic
wrapper function along the lines of:

FUNCTION spatial_function, name, image, other_stuff
im_size = SIZE(image)
CASE im_size[0] OF
   1: BEGIN        ; vector
      data = CALL_FUNCTION(name, image, other_stuff)
      RETURN, data

   2: BEGIN        ; image
      data = CALL_FUNCTION(name, image, other_stuff)
      RETURN, data

   3: BEGIN        ; spectral image
      CASE true OF
         1: BEGIN                ; BIP
            bands  = im_size[1]
            pixels = im_size[2]
            lines  = im_size[3]
            data   = image
            FOR i = 0, bands - 1 DO BEGIN
               dummy = REFORM(image[i, *, *])
               dummy = CALL_FUNCTION(name, dummy, other_stuff)
               data[i, *, *] = dummy

         2: BEGIN                ; BIL
            bands  = im_size[2]
            pixels = im_size[1]
            lines  = im_size[3]
            data   = image
            FOR i = 0, bands - 1 DO BEGIN
               dummy = REFORM(image[*, i, *])
               dummy = CALL_FUNCTION(name, dummy, other_stuff)
               data[*, i, *] = dummy

         ELSE: BEGIN                ; BSQ
            bands  = im_size[3]
            pixels = im_size[1]
            lines  = im_size[2]
            data   = image
            FOR i = 0, bands - 1 DO BEGIN
               dummy = REFORM(image[*, *, i])
               dummy = CALL_FUNCTION(name, dummy, other_stuff)
               data[*, *, i] = dummy
      RETURN, data

   ELSE: BEGIN        ; error
      data = DIALOG_MESSAGE('The input array is not an image.')
      RETURN, 0


Then I could do things like:

hist = SPATIAL_FUNCTION('histogram', image)
mw = SPATIAL_FUNCTION('median', image, 5)

Is there any hope for me???

Ed Meinel

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