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New IDL User Questions


 I'm new to IDL, but not new to programming.  I have
the IDL manuals and Dr. Fanning's excellent book, nevertheless,
I have a few basic questions:

1.  Editor Screen
      a.   Is there a way to make the Editor full screen or extend
            over some of the other windows?   Using resize doesn't do it.
            Does everyone confine themselves to this small window on their
      b.  My scrolling mouse will scroll in the Output Log and Variable
             windows, but not in the Editor Window.  Que pasa?

2.  Array Operations - Not being used to IDL type of array operations,
        is there a simpler way to do the following?
             For I = 0, 199 Do Begin
                 For J = 0, 84 Do Begin
                      If (ImageMask[I,J] EQ 1) Then ImageROI[I,J,*] =
                      Else ImageROI[I,J,*] = 0
   I thought of using the WHERE function as in,
        ROI = Where(ImageMask EQ 1)
    but ImageROI[ROI} = ImageS{ROI} leaves out the third dimension.

      b.     ;blow-up image X 9 For Screen Display
 For j = 0,84 Do Begin
       For i = 0,199 Do Begin
  JImage[3*i,3*j]         = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i,3*j+1]     = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i,3*j+2]     = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+1,3*j]     = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+1,3*j+1] = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+1,3*j+2] = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+2,3*j]     = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+2,3*j+1] = ImageS[i,j,[4]]
  JImage[3*i+2,3*j+2] = ImageS[i,j,[4]]

      I don't use the EXPAND function because I don't want to interpolate
the data.

3.  PLOT
          I have a couple of plots I want on the same Y Scale, the larger of
the two
  data sets.  Presently, I use plot to generate the scale to !y.range, and
then test
the two ranges and re-plot, as in.

 Window, 0, Title = '  P Target;  NPix = ' + string(Fix(NumOnes)), $
   XSize = 350, YSize = 350, XPos = 0, YPos = 0
 Plot, WavL, MeanPT, PSYM = 2, TickLen = 1, XGrid = 1, YGrid = 1
 PTYRange = !y.crange
 Window, 1, Title = '  P BkGnd;  NPix = ' + string(Fix(17000 - NumOnes)), $
       XSize = 350, YSize = 350, XPos = 0, YPos = 375
 Plot, WavL, MeanPB, PSYM = 2, TickLen = 1, XGrid = 1, YGrid = 1
 PBYRange = !y.crange
 SPRange = Max([PTYRange[1], PBYRange[1]])
 MaxY = [0,SPRange]

; replot all with new, uniform Y scale
 Window, 0, Title = 'P Target;  NPix = ' + string(Fix(NumOnes)), $
   XSize = 350, YSize = 375, XPos = 0, YPos = 0
 Plot, WavL, MeanPT, PSYM = 2, TickLen = 1, XGrid = 1, YGrid = 1, YRange =
 Window, 1, Title = 'P BkGnd ;  NPix = ' + string(Fix(17000 - NumOnes)), $
       XSize = 350, YSize = 350, XPos = 0, YPos = 375
 Plot, WavL, MeanPB, PSYM = 2, TickLen = 1, XGrid = 1, YGrid = 1, YRange =

this seems inefficient, what is a better way?


John Piccirillo