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Re: about label_region


The algorithm will be written in C as it requires a raster search through
the image for connected blobs. I cant find a reference right now but it goes
something like this psuedo code (considering the raster order to be left to
right working through rows down to up):

label _image, IMAGE

create a long image LAB_IM for output
for each pixel:
    ;check IMAGE to see if background pixel
    if background then continue
    ; else check LAB_IMAGE for connectivity and labelling
    if connected to labelled pixel BELOW or LEFT  (also BELOW-LEFT,
BELOW-RIGHT if 8 connected) then begin
        if connected to more than one label add label pairs to an equivalent
list, ie [1,5] means LABEL 1 = = LABEL 5
        assign (first) label to pixel in lab_image
   else assign new label to pixel in lab_image

use equivalent list to create a lookup table reducing all used labels to a
unique set starting from 1

now run through label image replacing each label with its reduced value

hope this make some sense


Mr. Martin Downing,
Clinical Research Physicist,
Orthopaedic RSA Research Centre,
Woodend Hospital,
Aberdeen, AB15 6LS.
"Julia" <julia65201@usa.net> wrote in message
> > Amar Nayegandhi said,
> > [
> >  label_region uses a 'connected components' algorithm that is described
> > in any good Image Processing text book.  It has the option of using 4
> > neighbors or 8 neighbors.  I have used labe_region often, and I have a
> > strong feeling i get the same results using the 4 or 8-neighbor
> > approach.  I dont think the 8-neighbor approach gives any better results
> > than the 4-neighbor approach.
> > - amar
> > ]
> Thanks for your information!
> I just wonder where IDL put all these functions in. Is it written in
> IDL or C? I tried to realized it in IDL. As you know, since
> connectivity algorithm is not a parallel algorithm, it should be done
> on pixels one by one. And to keep the equivalent region information, I
> assign a very big matrix even it is very sparse. So the algorithm is
> very slow. Can you give me some hint to improve it, such as how to
> keep the equivalent region information efficiently?
> Julia