Konstantinos Horaites
Space Scientist
The Space Physics Postdoc Survey is CLOSED!
About Me
I'm a Research Scientist specializing in solar wind physics at CIRES, CU-Boulder. I work in the magnetometer group (led by Paul Loto'aniu), which is responsible for magnetic field measurements of several NOAA satellites. These operational measurements are used to forecast "space weather": eruptions from the Sun that can reach Earth and have several negative impacts on our electrical technology---for example satellites, power grids, and the radio signals used in GPS and telecommunications.
I worked for 3+ years at the University of Helsinki, as a postdoc in the Vlasiator team (PI Prof. Minna Palmroth). I used computer simulations to assess the space weather impact of a large solar storm.
I did my first postdoc at LASP in Boulder, CO, USA as a member of Laila Andersson's group. There I studied the kinetic physics of electrons in Mars's magnetosheath.
I received my PhD in Physics (2019) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. I wrote my thesis, "Theory and Observations of Runaway Electrons in the Solar Wind", under the advisement of Prof. Stanislav Boldyrev.
I got my start at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Lab, where I studied the solar wind as part of Prof. Stuart Bale's group.
Teaching Assistant (University of Helsinki): FYS2016/2017--Electrodynamics, Spring 2024 (course description)
Lecturer (CU-Boulder): Astronomy 2600--Intro to Scientific Programming, Summer 2020 (course description)
Teaching Assistant (UW Madison): Physics 202--Electricity and Magnetism, Fall 2015-Summer 2017
As part of my thesis project I restored the high-resolution data from the Wind satellite's SWE Strahl detector. The data are now archived on CDAWeb, where you can also browse summary GIFs like this.
Check out the board game I co-designed, titled "Co-op"! Published through the Gamecrafter, LLC website.