Useful stuff
In my web browsing I often accumulate useful websites in my tabs, which I list here in an effort to close tabs and browser windows. Mostly for my own reference, but perhaps you can find something useful too.
Useful useful stuff
- SNRs and synchrotron formulae
- XMM data reduction (or, random XMM SAS stuff)
- Matplotlib cheatsheet
- Food
Hard-to-find references
- Kompaneets (1960): A Point Explosion in an Inhomogeneous Atmosphere
- Leroy & Mangeney (1984): A theory of energization of solar wind electrons by the Earth's bow shock
- Computer Science Plasma Physics: Simulation Techniques and Software (1993) eds. H. Matsumoto and Y. Omura (a manual duplicate of Wayback Machine's mirror)
Physics, Math, Stuff
- Smerlak 2011, Eur. J. Phys. - A derivation of Planck's radiation law without using a box.
- MSU Phy481 site - lecture notes for 1st half of Griffiths' Intro. Electrodynamics
- Wieman and Perkins, Physics Today - physics education
- Math 311 at Reed - lecture notes from a complex analysis course
- Specifically, 3.3.2 Scattering Approach - scattering blah
- Scattering, finite sq. well
- Scattering, finite sq. well (again)
- DOI, arXiv - Delamotte, A hint of renormalization
- Scherr et al. 2001, Am. J. Phys. Student understanding of special relativity
- Methods for hyperbolic conservation laws
- JPL HORIZONS - ephemerides for solar system objects
- Cross product operator as a matrix. Can rederive from \(\varepsilon_{ijk} a_{j} b_{k}\) (ignoring co/contra-variance, OK for orthonormal basis).
- Mihalas and Mihalas (1984) foundations of radiation hydrodynamics
- Blandford and Thorne
- numpy einsum, thorough introduction
- Levi-Civita identities (local mirror)
- JETP (Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi Teoreticheskoi Fiziki)
- JETP Letters english archive
- Paper-and-pencil cosmological calculator (arXiv:1303.5961)
- DLMF (succeeds Abramowitz/Stegun)
- Old IAEA conference proceedings index (links dead)
- IAEA 3rd Conf 1968 Novosibirsk Volume I
- IAEA 3rd Conf 1968 Novosibirsk Volume II
- IAEA 4th Conf 1971 Madison Volume I
- IAEA 4th Conf 1971 Madison Volume II
- Proc. Intl. Conf. on Plasma Confined in Open-Ended Geometry, AEC Conf-671127, held Nov. 1-4, 1967 in Gatlinburg, TN, USA
- EAJ plasma notes, rel vlasov
- UCSD Physics 218A notes
- Blechman's primer (tensors, symmetries, differential forms) (local mirror)
- Short note on kinematic hardening - more stuff on plasticity at the course site.
- Cornell CEE 6550 site - notes on fluids, transport in environmental settings
- Yuhi and Mei 2004, J. Fluid. Mech. - slow spreading of mud over a conical surface
- Soto et al. 2008, gallery of fluid motion
- Hu, Chan, Bush 2003 - water strider locomotion
Equipment, Electronics
- NI 435x user manual
- NI TBX-68T terminal block install guide
- NI 435x example VI - how to get a higher sampling rate
- Omega's thermocouple reference
- Photodiodes and opamp circuits
Science of science?
- Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (support for OA publishing)
- Open access through author fees - discussion
- Error bars - std. dev. vs. CI vs. std. error; doi
- Data curation and archiving using SDSS data as an example. Gray et al. 2002, Microsoft tech report
- B. Barres on gender
- Python project design and make for data scientists
- "Why Academics Stink at Writing"
- contractions and readability
- The Science of Scientific Writing (Gopen & Swan) (mirror)
- rm weasel words, passives, duplicates
- Mathematical Writing (Knuth+)
Reseach process/workflow
- Sumatra - data management for numerical simulations/analysis?
- Software carpentry v4 essays (doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000424 for data management) (wayback machine archive) (github archive)
- Software carpentry v4 on software engineering (wayback machine archive) (github archive)
- P. Guo's burrito
- IDSIA/sacred
Typesetting and figures and things
- Detexify
- Table typesetting, and this
- Colors for figures
- ColorBrewer 2.0 -- colors for maps and things
- Rainbow color map (still) considered harmful
- Table readability, from MILSTD 1472F
- Zebra striping efficacy for tables
- Chicago Manual Of Style Q&A on cf. vs. see
- Hyphenation (useful physics examples)
- AGU grammar/style
- PR grammar/style
- Eos on colormaps
- Robert Simmon (previously NASA Earth Obs) on data visualization
- JSON pretty-printer
- jQuery selector ref
- Chrome JS console tools
- Google Bash style
- Google HTML/CSS style
- Google Python style (cf. PEP-0008)
- Beginner's guide to linkers
- Fortran reference standards (found via
- ffmpeg, libav tutorial
- Eijkhout HPC textbook: MPI point-to-point communication
- MPI quick reference (Mark Gates)
- Algorithms for Modern Hardware (Sergey Slotin)
- ncdu
- Struct packing
- Coffee... and cheap coffee
- Chocolate chip cookies
- How to brown butter
- Egg properties
- food books
- garlic
- Archival storage of paper (Gaylord)
- R. Porritt's MATLAB tutorial for broadband data processing
- R. Porritt's GMT tutorial
- About image formats
- Choral composition and arranging
- Molnar 1990, Ir. J. Earth Sci.
- New island
- Scioly dynamic planet (phys. climate) - RT Pierrehumbert
- Signal smoothing
- Classical Chinese
- Grain sizes and things
- Confidence intervals on ratings
- Gmail SMTP
- sh prompt ref
- donotlink
- corn eating and analysis/algebra
- Caulking
- MIT CSR/MKI history - SAS-3, RXTE, and more
- Chandra documentary
- Congressional advocacy & press release
- GWB photos in LOC
- Maps of the Mississippi River's historical meandering, Harold Fisk
- ACIS door
Distributed random number generation
How do you select a random number (or, random seed) in a distributed, deterministic, publicly-verifiable way? In a group of N unknown parties, it should be possible for 1 "trustworthy" participant to help choose the random seed such that N-1 colluding parties cannot unduly bias the result. Here are a few links on this topic:
- Two-person coin flip with commitments
- Blum (1981) - Coin flipping by telephone
- Crypto SE - decentralized consent over a random number
- Crypto SE - Trustless multiparty random number generation
- Syta et al. (2016) - Scalable Bias-Resistant Distributed Randomness